* Base library for MediaWiki.
/* global $CODE */
( function () {
'use strict';
var con = window.console;
* Log a message to window.console.
* Useful to force logging of some errors that are otherwise hard to detect (i.e., this logs
* also in production mode).
* @private
* @param {string} topic Stream name passed by mw.track
* @param {Object} data Data passed by mw.track
* @param {Error} [data.exception]
* @param {string} data.source Error source
* @param {string} [data.module] Name of module which caused the error
function logError( topic, data ) {
var e = data.exception;
var msg = ( e ? 'Exception' : 'Error' ) +
' in ' + data.source +
( data.module ? ' in module ' + data.module : '' ) +
( e ? ':' : '.' );
con.log( msg );
// If we have an exception object, log it to the warning channel to trigger
// proper stacktraces in browsers that support it.
if ( e ) {
con.warn( e );
* @classdesc Create an object that can be read from or written to via methods that allow
* interaction both with single and multiple properties at once.
* @class MwMap
* @alias MwMap
* @hideconstructor
* @constructor
* @global
* @example
* const map = new mw.Map();
* map.set( 'foo', 5 );
* 5 === map.get( 'foo' ); // echo true
function Map() {
this.values = Object.create( null );
Map.prototype = {
constructor: Map,
* Get the value of one or more keys.
* If called with no arguments, all values are returned.
* @memberof MwMap
* @param {string|Array} [selection] Key or array of keys to retrieve values for.
* @param {any} [fallback=null] Value for keys that don't exist.
* @return {any|Object|null} If selection was a string, returns the value,
* If selection was an array, returns an object of key/values.
* If no selection is passed, a new object with all key/values is returned.
get: function ( selection, fallback ) {
if ( arguments.length < 2 ) {
fallback = null;
if ( typeof selection === 'string' ) {
return selection in this.values ?
this.values[ selection ] :
var results;
if ( Array.isArray( selection ) ) {
results = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
if ( typeof selection[ i ] === 'string' ) {
results[ selection[ i ] ] = selection[ i ] in this.values ?
this.values[ selection[ i ] ] :
return results;
if ( selection === undefined ) {
results = {};
for ( var key in this.values ) {
results[ key ] = this.values[ key ];
return results;
// Invalid selection key
return fallback;
* Set one or more key/value pairs.
* @memberof MwMap
* @param {string|Object} selection Key to set value for, or object mapping keys to values
* @param {Mixed} [value] Value to set (optional, only in use when key is a string)
* @return {boolean} True on success, false on failure
set: function ( selection, value ) {
// Use `arguments.length` because `undefined` is also a valid value.
if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
// Set one key
if ( typeof selection === 'string' ) {
this.values[ selection ] = value;
return true;
} else if ( typeof selection === 'object' ) {
// Set multiple keys
for ( var key in selection ) {
this.values[ key ] = selection[ key ];
return true;
return false;
* Check if a given key exists in the map.
* @memberof MwMap
* @param {string} selection Key to check
* @return {boolean} True if the key exists
exists: function ( selection ) {
return typeof selection === 'string' && selection in this.values;
* Write a verbose message to the browser's console in debug mode.
* This method is mainly intended for verbose logging. It is a no-op in production mode.
* In ResourceLoader debug mode, it will use the browser's console.
* @memberof mw
* @param {...string} msg Messages to output to console.
var log = function () {
* Write a message to the browser console's warning channel.
* @memberof mw
* @function
* @param {...string} msg Messages to output to console
log.warn = Function.prototype.bind.call( con.warn, con );
* Collection of methods to help log messages to the console.
* @classdesc Base library for MediaWiki. Exposed globally as `mw`, with `mediaWiki` as alias.
* @namespace mw
* @singleton
* @hideconstructor
* @static
var mw = {
* Get the current time, measured in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (UTC).
* On browsers that implement the Navigation Timing API, this function will produce
* floating-point values with microsecond precision that are guaranteed to be monotonic.
* On all other browsers, it will fall back to using `Date`.
* @memberof mw
* @return {number} Current time
now: function () {
// Optimisation: Cache and re-use the chosen implementation.
// Optimisation: Avoid startup overhead by re-defining on first call instead of IIFE.
var perf = window.performance;
var navStart = perf && perf.timing && perf.timing.navigationStart;
// Define the relevant shortcut
mw.now = navStart && perf.now ?
function () {
return navStart + perf.now();
} :
return mw.now();
* List of all analytic events emitted so far.
* Exposed only for use by mediawiki.base.
* @private
* @property {Array}
trackQueue: [],
* @param {any} topic
* @param {any} data
* @memberof mw
track: function ( topic, data ) {
mw.trackQueue.push( { topic: topic, data: data } );
// This method is extended by mediawiki.base to also fire events.
* Track an early error event via mw.track and send it to the window console.
* @private
* @param {string} topic Topic name
* @param {Object} data Data describing the event, encoded as an object; see mw#logError
trackError: function ( topic, data ) {
mw.track( topic, data );
logError( topic, data );
* @memberof mw
* @type {MwMap}
* Map of configuration values.
* Check out [the complete list of configuration values](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/JavaScript#mw.config)
* on mediawiki.org.
* @memberof mw
* @type {MwMap}
config: new Map(),
* Store for messages.
* @memberof mw
* @type {MwMap}
messages: new Map(),
* Store for templates associated with a module.
* @type {MwMap}
* @memberof mw
templates: new Map(),
// Expose mw.log
// mw.loader is defined in a separate file that is appended to this
// Attach to window and globally alias
window.mw = window.mediaWiki = mw;
}() );