
Client for ResourceLoader server end point. This client is in charge of maintaining the module registry and state machine, initiating network (batch) requests for loading modules, as well as dependency resolution and execution of source code.



(static) getModuleNames() → {Array.<string>}


Get the names of all registered ResourceLoader modules.


(static) getScript(url) → {jQuery.Promise}


Load a script by URL.


    .then( function () {
        // Script succeeded. You can use X now.
    }, function ( e ) {
        // Script failed. X is not avaiable
        mw.log.error( e.message ); // => "Failed to load script"
    } );
} );
Name Type Description
url string

Script URL


Resolved when the script is loaded


(static) getState(module) → {string|null}


Get the state of a module.

Possible states for the public API:

  • registered: The module is available for loading but not yet requested.
  • loading, loaded, or executing: The module is currently being loaded.
  • ready: The module was succesfully and fully loaded.
  • error: The module or one its dependencies has failed to load, e.g. due to uncaught error from the module's script files.
  • missing: The module was requested but is not defined according to the server.

Internal mw.loader state machine:

  • registered: The module is known to the system but not yet required. Meta data is stored by mw.loader#register. Calls to that method are generated server-side by StartupModule.
  • loading: The module was required through mw.loader (either directly or as dependency of another module). The client will fetch module contents from or from the server. The contents should later be received by mw.loader#implement.
  • loaded: The module has been received by mw.loader#implement. Once the module has no more dependencies in-flight, the module will be executed, controlled via #setAndPropagate and #doPropagation.
  • executing: The module is being executed (apply messages and stylesheets, execute scripts) by mw.loader#execute.
  • ready: The module has been successfully executed.
  • error: The module (or one of its dependencies) produced an uncaught error during execution.
  • missing: The module was registered client-side and requested, but the server denied knowledge of the module's existence.
Name Type Description
module string

Name of module


The state, or null if the module (or its state) is not in the registry.

string | null

(static) impl(declarator)


Implement a module given a function which returns the components of the module

Name Type Description
declarator function

The declarator should return an array with the following keys:

    1. {string} module Name of module and current module version. Formatted as '[name]@[version]". This version should match the requested version (from #batchRequest and #registry). This avoids race conditions (T117587).
    1. {Function|Array|string|Object} [script] Module code. This can be a function, a list of URLs to load via <script src>, a string for globalEval(), or an object like {"files": {"foo.js":function, "bar.js": function, ...}, "main": "foo.js"}. If an object is provided, the main file will be executed immediately, and the other files will only be executed if loaded via require(). If a function or string is provided, it will be executed/evaluated immediately. If an array is provided, all URLs in the array will be loaded immediately, and executed as soon as they arrive.
    1. {Object} [style] Should follow one of the following patterns:

    { "css": [css, ..] } { "url": { (media): [url, ..] } }

    The reason css strings are not concatenated anymore is T33676. We now check whether it's safe to extend the stylesheet.

    1. {Object} [messages] List of key/value pairs to be added to mw#messages.
    1. {Object} [templates] List of key/value pairs to be added to mw#templates.
    1. {String|null} [deprecationWarning] Deprecation warning if any

The declarator must not use any scope variables, since it will be serialized with Function.prototype.toString() and later restored and executed in the global scope.

The elements are all optional except the name.


(static) implement(module, scriptopt, styleopt, messagesopt, templatesopt, deprecationWarningopt)


Implement a module given the components of the module.

See #impl for a full description of the parameters.

Prior to MW 1.41, this was used internally, but now it is only kept for backwards compatibility.

Does not support caching.

Name Type Attributes Description
module string
script function | Array | string | Object <optional>
style Object <optional>
messages Object <optional>

List of key/value pairs to be added to mw#messages.

templates Object <optional>

List of key/value pairs to be added to mw#templates.

deprecationWarning string | null <optional>

Deprecation warning if any


(static) load(modules, typeopt)


Load an external script or one or more modules.

This method takes a list of unrelated modules. Use cases:

  • A web page will be composed of many different widgets. These widgets independently queue their ResourceLoader modules (OutputPage::addModules()). If any of them have problems, or are no longer known (e.g. cached HTML), the other modules should still be loaded.
  • This method is used for preloading, which must not throw. Later code that calls #using() will handle the error.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
modules string | Array

Either the name of a module, array of modules, or a URL of an external script or style

type string <optional>

MIME type to use if calling with a URL of an external script or style; acceptable values are "text/css" and "text/javascript"; if no type is provided, text/javascript is assumed.


If type is invalid


(static) register(modules, versionopt, dependenciesopt, groupopt, sourceopt, skipopt)


Register a module, letting the system know about it and its properties.

The startup module calls this method.

When using multiple module registration by passing an array, dependencies that are specified as references to modules within the array will be resolved before the modules are registered.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
modules string | Array

Module name or array of arrays, each containing a list of arguments compatible with this method

version string <optional>

Module version hash (falls backs to empty string)

dependencies Array.<string> <optional>

Array of module names on which this module depends.

group string <optional>

Group which the module is in

source string <optional>

Name of the source

skip string <optional>

Script body of the skip function


(static) state(states)


Change the state of one or more modules.

Name Type Description
states Object

Object of module name/state pairs


(static) using(dependencies, readyopt, erroropt) → {jQuery.Promise}


Execute a function after one or more modules are ready.

Use this method if you need to dynamically control which modules are loaded and/or when they loaded (instead of declaring them as dependencies directly on your module.)

This uses the same loader as for regular module dependencies. This means ResourceLoader will not re-download or re-execute a module for the second time if something else already needed it. And the same browser HTTP cache, and localStorage are checked before considering to fetch from the network. And any on-going requests from other dependencies or using() calls are also automatically re-used.

Example of inline dependency on OOjs:

mw.loader.using( 'oojs', function () { [ 1 ], [ 1 ] );
} );

Example of inline dependency obtained via require():

mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util' ], function ( require ) {
    var util = require( 'mediawiki.util' );
} );

Since MediaWiki 1.23 this returns a promise.

Since MediaWiki 1.28 the promise is resolved with a require function.

Name Type Attributes Description
dependencies string | Array

Module name or array of modules names the callback depends on to be ready before executing

ready function <optional>

Callback to execute when all dependencies are ready

error function <optional>

Callback to execute if one or more dependencies failed


With a require function
